Reporter Ildefonso Ortiz compares and contrasts reporting in south Texas and in northern Mexico and describes the danger of investigative reporting in Tamaulipas. Ortiz discusses how careful he has to be while reporting on drug trafficking and…
A web archive of a project webpage for Nourishing Baby, a project centered on a cultural organizing process that seeks to document and disseminate the knowledge of people of the El Paso borderland in regards to the first year of life–with cultural…
Investigative Reporter for the Houston Chronicle, Lise Olsen, discusses her work as a reporter and a member of the Investigative Reporter and Editors (IRE) organization. Olsen has extensive experience in investigative reporting and has been active in…
From the Public Information Office, Fourteenth Naval District: Memorial services and plaque honor dead aboard USS Arizona. The sunken hulk of the battleship USS Arizona was the site for memorial services and the unveiling of a plaque in honor of the…
Condolence letter concerning Alfonso de la Torre’s death, written by Manuel Noriega, a close cousin of the de la Torre brothers, who read the news in Mexico City’s La Prensa newspaper
A web archive of an e-commerce site with one-of-a-kind garments for sale, for which the artisan apprentices are provided an economic stipend demonstrating a model of responsible business and shared value with every sale reinvested into social…