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Yee Jin Ling's documentation allowing him to depart from the United States to visit China, where Ling hoped to find a wife.

This photograph was taken by a Japanese naval aviator in the first moments of the Pearl Harbor attack. A very high plume of water is visible between USS Oklahoma and USS West Virginia on the far side of Ford Island. Also visible is a Japanese Val…

Patricia Steiner rididng a horse.

A young Patricia Castro holding a Shetland Pony at a ranch.

Patricia Castro standing with three women talking while hosting a cocktail reception at U.S. Embassy in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Patricia Castro standing with four women hosting a Tea Party at U.S. Embassy in El Salvador.

Working in close collaboration with Virginie Litzler, Paris Perpendicular grew out of a shared interest in extending inherent pictorial narrative beyond their photographic frame or the edges of the pages. The photographs, hand printed, remain…

A parade on the USS Arizona battleship.

Cartoon representing the priest, town, governors (as a dog), state governments (as a bone) and President Plutarco Elías Calles. Calles orders the dog to attack the priest or else he will be left without a “bone” (a colloquial expression in…

Photographic image of a papercraft version of the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Model.

Detail Papal Bull, May 19, 1520, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
This documents serves as an official condemnation or warning to Martin Luther of the errors of his actions by the Catholic Church.

Detail of Papal Bull, June 16, 1521, Magnvm bvllarivm Romanvm
In this document Martin Luther is officially excommunicated as a heretic from the Catholic Church.

Vegetable Soup 2 .jpg
Recipe and ingredients for vegetable soup.

Vegetable Soup.jpg
Cover page for vegetable soup recipe.

tortilla 3.jpg
Page with image of tortilla.

tortilla 2.jpg
Recipe and ingredients for tortilla.

Cover for tortilla recipe.

Summer Pasta 2 .jpg
Recipe and ingredients for summer pasta.

Summer Pasta.jpg
Cover for summer pasta recipe.

PB cookies 2.jpg
Recipe and ingredients for pb cookies.
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