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Map of the Holy Roman Empire
Full title: S. Imperium Romano-Germanicum oder Teutschland mit seinen Angräntzenden Königreichen und Provincien, neulich entworffen und theils gezeichnet durch Iulium Reichelt Chur Pfaltz: Rath und Mathes: Professor P. zu Strasburg aber…

Formal photograph taken of Margarita Moreno when she was 18-years-old. Photograph was taken in Tucson, Arizona.

Portraits of Maria (Tadino) Scorcia with her family. Photograph on the left depicts Maria (Tadino) Scorcia, her brothers and sisters, the mother of Maria Tadino Scorcia, possibly her father, and a small dog. The photograph on the left was taken in…

María De la Torre (right) photographed in her youth, wearing glasses, standing, embracing a female friend (unknown name)

Photographic portrait of Maria De la Torre as an adult
Retrato fotográfico de María De la Torre como adulta

Photographic portrait of Maria De la Torre in her youth

Photograph of María De la Torre Uribarren at the piano, wearing glasses, taken in her adult years

First Tucson Mariachi, photo taken by Wong & Wong. Back row (left to right): Alfredo Nuñez (guitarrón), Rey Lopez (trompetista), Gerardo Hernandez (first violin), Jesus Medina (second violin), and Gustavo Nuñez (third violin). Front Row (left to…

Mark Cook posing for a formal photo sitting on a bench covered in cloth dressed in Sunday best. Watch fob in vest button and pocket.

Photograph of Marlow, crew member of the USS Arizona, who was killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Oral history conducted by Ellen Lomonaco with Martin Kos in Tucson, Arizona on December 19, 1984. Mr. Kos was a member of the original USS Arizona crew in 1918, making him a plank owner.

Detail of Martin Luther and the German Bible
Original title in German: Martin Luther und die deutsche Bibel

Mary Eager Rogers of John Marcus Rogers sitting on a wooden saw horse in the garden.

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Mask made of prickly pear fibers and embroidery floss.

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Mask made of condom wrappers.

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Mask made of Enriched Macaroni Product with spray paint.

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Mask made of Eegee’s cups, spoons, and straws.

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Mask made as an ode to Rebecca, a Taurus.

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Mask made of desert flowers.

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Mask made of aluminum foil and duct tape.
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