Original title: Antwort de[m] Murnar vff seine frag / Ob der künig vo[n] Engellant ein lügner sey, oder der götlich doctor Martinus Luter. For an in depth discussion of this work please listen to a recorded lecture by Ute Lotz-Heumann titled…
Full title: Schriftelicke conferentie gehovden in s'Gravenhaghe inden iare 1611 tusschen sommighe kercken-dienaren : aengaende de Godlicke praedestinatie metten aencleven van dien : ter ordonnantie vande Ed. Mag. Heeren Staten van Hollant ende…
Remarks on Rainbow Bridge Inspection Trip, (including pre-trip briefing session remarks in the hangar at Page, Arizona, and evening discussion conference after daylong inspection trip), Page, Arizona, April 29, 1961
Combined with the layered challenge of the pandemic, this dance film project involves original choreography, set in the desert, which communicates the felt sense of disconnection, repetition, and hopelessness.