Oral history conducted by Ellen Lomonaco with Charles Jackson in Tucson, Arizona on February 27, 1984. Mr. Jackson was on the staff of Admiral Kimmel at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, HI by Japan on December 7, 1941. He was…
Contains fifty portraits followed by a life of the subject and list of his books. Original title: Af-beeldingen van sommighe in Godts-Woort ervarene Mannen, die bestreden hebben den Roomschen Antichrist : waer by ghevoecht zijn de lof-spreucken ende…
Letters discussing life in Mexico during the Mexican Revolution. Letters were shared between cousins Virginia Marsh and Jeannie Reyes. This letter was written by Jeannie Reyes, who was living with Mrs. Villa, and sent to her cousin, Virginia Marsh.