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"Fright for Sale," 1963
"Fright for Sale."
June 7, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Central Arizona Project: Tapping Arizona's Last Water Hole," 1963
"Central Arizona Project: Tapping Arizona's Last Water Hole."
May 21, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending V: The President and Henry Ford -- An Old Idea Revived," 1963
"Taxes and Spending V: The President and Henry Ford -- An Old Idea Revived."
May 3, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending IV: Some Specific Proposals for Budget Reductions," 1963
"Taxes and Spending IV: Some Specific Proposals for Budget Reductions."
April 12, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending III: Just who are the Big Spenders?" 1963
"Taxes and Spending III: Just who are the Big Spenders?"
March 15, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending II: Can Wee -- Or Will We -- Reduce Federal Spending?" 1963
"Taxes and Spending II: Can Wee -- Or Will We -- Reduce Federal Spending?"
February 28, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending -- The Big Issues of 1963," 1963
"Taxes and Spending -- The Big Issues of 1963."
February 8, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Who Rules the Rules Committee?" 1963
"Who Rules the Rules Committee?"
January 25, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Must we Repeat our Mistake?" 1962
"Must we Repeat our Mistake?"
Undated, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Constituents, Congressmen and Communication -- A 'Gift Subscription' Suggestion," 1962
"Constituents, Congressmen and Communication -- A 'Gift Subscription' Suggestion."
December 10, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Who's Winning the Cold War?" 1962
"Who's Winning the Cold War?"
October 4, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Arizona's Public Lands -- Both Blessing and Burden," 1962
"Arizona's Public Lands -- Both Blessing and Burden."
September 14, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Socialism, Spending and the 'Welfare State' -- What are the Facts?" 1962
"Socialism, Spending and the 'Welfare State' -- What are the Facts?"
August 32, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Thalidomide: A Crippling Drug Promises Greater Protection for Consumers," 1962
"Thalidomide: A Crippling Drug Promises Greater Protection for Consumers."
August 17, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Freedom for Farmers -- A New Ray of Hope," 1962
"Freedom for Farmers -- A New Ray of Hope."
August 2, 1962. 87th Congress.
"The Farm Problem -- Swept Under the Rug Again," 1962
"The Farm Problem -- Swept Under the Rug Again."
July 6, 1962. 87th Congress.
"'Out of the Fryingpan' -- Hope and a Lesson for Arizona," 1962
"'Out of the Frying Pan' -- Hope and a Lesson for Arizona."
June 21, 1962. 87th Congress.
"'Medicare' -- The Battle of Madison Square Garden," 1962
"'Medicare' -- The Battle of Madison Square Garden."
June 1, 1962. 87th Congress.
"The Trade Expansion Act of 1962: A Bold New Instrument of American Policy," 1962
"The Trade Expansion Act of 1962: A Bold New Instrument of American Policy."
May 17, 1962. 87th Congress.
"Arizona's Public Schools II: Tax Equalization or Federal Aid?" 1962
"Arizona's Public Schools II: Tax Equalization or Federal Aid?"
April 30, 1962. 87th Congress.
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