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Halene V. Dusyn at her nephew's wedding in Buffalo, New York.

Halene V. Dusyn dressed up next to a fireplace at a wedding in Buffalo, New York.

A video communicating the stories of O’odham reservation residents during the pandemic.

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A photograph of Naomi Ortiz at the Desert Nights, Rising Stars Conference Workshop reading.

Hatch children David Holbrook, Burt, and Mary Hatch. Young boy standing on box knickers suit with bow tie. Toddler, Mary, standing on chair, button shoes and white dress. Boy in knickers suit with regular tie.

A group of gentlemen identified only as "the Hawaiian team" hangs a wreath on the ship's bell of the USS Arizona in the presence of UA President Alfred Atkinson in the bell tower at the UA Student Union.

View of the headgate where the Colorado River and Baja California meet looking south into "No Man's-land" along the border.

Heard Museum National Advisory Board Meeting, Northern Arizona. October 1981.

An image of Herman Warrior and his brother, Henry, in Buffalo Soldier uniforms.

The cover for the Hermandad.

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A portrait called "Hidden in Plain Sight".

The Mexican-American border is constantly changing, not just by treaty, but by the persistent erosion of the Rio Grande. As a natural boundary, the river's channel determines the technical border between the two countries. Historically, the Rio…

Secretary of the Interior Stewart and Lee Udall hike along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in Washington. They are on a visit to authorize the establishment of a Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park in Maryland, April 1961.

During a trip to Japan, Secretary of the Interior Stewart L.Udall went on a hike to the summit of Japan's Mount Fuji, November 1-7, 1961.

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Artwork made out of found paper, fabric, collage, and oil on canvas by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

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An installation photograph of artwork created by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

DaraPreciado_BAC Fellowship 2021_Artwork(5).jpg
A photograph of artwork made out of found paper, fabric, collage, and oil on canvas by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

The image of a cover for the Historias y Recuerdos podcast.

Detail of History of the reformation of the Church of England
Original title: Historie van de reformatie der kerke van Engeland / in het Engelsch beschreven door Mr. Burnet, en nu uit den zelven vertaalt.

Silk Thin 2.0.jpg
An illustrated recipe for homemade pasta, handwritten both in English and Italian.
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