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SanXavier_ 180v.jpg
St. Francis Xavier.

SanXavier _343v.jpg
Angels on south elevation of capital on estipite dividing the center and east panels of the bottom tier of the retablo mayor.

SanXavier _344v.jpg
Angels in cornice above east estipite.

SanXavier _345v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _346v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _347v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier_ 349v.jpg
Base of west estipite.

SanXavier _350v.jpg
Base of west estipite.

SanXavier _351v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _352v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree in cartourpe.

SanXavier_ 181v.jpg
St. Francis Xavier.

SanXavier _353v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _354v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier_ 115v.jpg
Angel east of niche.

SanXavier_ 355v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _356v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier_ 357v.jpg
Base of west estipite. Palm tree.

SanXavier _358v.jpg
South elevation, bottom of east estipite. Cypress.

SanXavier _360v.jpg
South elevation, base of east estipite. Cypress.

SanXavier _361v.jpg
South elevation, base of east estipite. Cypress. Patronato San Xavier photo.
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