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The Mexican-American border is constantly changing, not just by treaty, but by the persistent erosion of the Rio Grande. As a natural boundary, the river's channel determines the technical border between the two countries. Historically, the Rio…

River ramp leading to the Rio Grande near Brownsville. Vegetation lines both sides of the ramp, while trees are visible on the other side of the river.

Originally, treaties between Mexico and the United States provided for mutual navigation rights along the Rio Grande. Now, the river water is used primarily for domestic purposes and irrigation. As a result of the United States-Mexico water treaty of…

Looking across the Rio Grande into Mexico underneath the Gateway Bridge off International Boulevard in Brownsville, Texas.

An overgrown levee near the Rio Grande. Two small paths flank the levee on both sided and extend into the distance.

Mouth of Rio Grande River off Texas State Highway 4, with vegetation on both shores.

Three dead palm trees, at least two of which have cavity nests (probably those of the golden-fronted woodpecker), behind telephone lines off Texas State Highway 4.

View of a riverbank along the Rio Grande. Vegetation lines the area where the river and land meet and in the mud, tire tracks are visible.

A video documenting the artist's quilting and life reflection during the pandemic.

A section of the bandana.

A section of the bandana.

A section of the bandana.

A section of the bandana.

A section of the bandana.

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Mask made of devil’s claw and other desert plant materials.

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Mask made of glass and wire.

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Mask made of cotton swabs and gold paint.

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Mask made of bike parts gathered from BICAS.

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Mask made of slurpee cup and straw.

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Mask made of mushrooms.
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