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Bob McConnell presenting Stewart Udall with an award, 1960s.

Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, Senator Alan Bible, Senator Paul H. Douglas, and National Park Service Director Conrad Wirth tour the Indiana Dunes. July 23, 1961.

Delivering a speech at a conservation conference in May of 1962. In the right corner, President John F. Kennedy is included in the discussion.

April 1967, Udall and others with President Johnson.

Stewart Udall. Color photograph. Talking from podium with US government seal.

Luther Rose or Luther Seal
Seal received from Frederick the Wise and used by Martin Luther in his publications. The graphic is used today by the Lutheran faith.

Original title: Antwort de[m] Murnar vff seine frag / Ob der künig vo[n] Engellant ein lügner sey, oder der götlich doctor Martinus Luter. For an in depth discussion of this work please listen to a recorded lecture by Ute Lotz-Heumann titled…

USS Arizona Passing Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor, New York City, NY.

The USS Arizona's forward powder magazine explodes at 8:10 a.m. on the morning of the Pearl Harbor attack.

The USS Arizona burns after bombs hit her powder magazine. Her foremast collapsed into the void left by the explosion

Fires burn on three battleships in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack as fire crews attempt to save the ships in the lower right. The ships are, from right to left- USS Arizona, USS Tennessee and USS West Virginia.

This photograph was taken by a Japanese naval aviator in the first moments of the Pearl Harbor attack. A very high plume of water is visible between USS Oklahoma and USS West Virginia on the far side of Ford Island. Also visible is a Japanese Val…

Photograph of shipmates of the USS Arizona taken in Bremerton, Washington, 1937. Crew members identified are: A.W. "Slip" Kammerer C.M.M. ( June 30, 1917); F.B. "Rid" Kannair C.M.M. (Sept. 30, 1921) ; C.E. "Snuff" Pinnell C.O.X. ( Mar. 31, 1923);…

The crew of the USS Arizona spends some time sweeping the deck of the battleship.

Reunion ceremony for Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona on the campus of the University of Arizona.

Photograph of Pearl Harbor Memorial shortly after it's dedication.

Photograph of the first organized memorial to the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, HI.

12/7/1991 - 50th Anniversary Pearl Harbor attack; Vincent (Jim) Vlach talking to President George (Herbert Walker) Bush as the President signs an autograph. Taken in the Shrine Room USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl harbor Hawaii. Oree Weller in white…

Diver on the USS Arizona preparing to be lowered into the sea.

Crew members wash their clothes and hang them out on the line aboard the USS Arizona.
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