Newspaper Photo of Lee Udall and family captioned, "Soon to be on their way to Washington for a four year stay are Mrs. Stewart L. Udall, wife of the newly-appointed U.S. Secretary of the Interior, and their six children. In back, left to right, are…
Photograph portrait of David and Eliza King Udall, grandparents of Stewart and Morris Udall, in London, England, after their marriage and shortly before leaving for the United States.
Photograph of Morris K. Udall enthusiastically mingling within and greeting a crowd of elementary school-age Native American youth on the steps the U.S. Capitol.
Photograph of Morris K. Udall and Reagan administration staff standing behind President Ronald Reagan and clapping as he signs the 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
Front page of HR 39 - To provide for the designation and conservation of certain public lands in the state of Alaska, including the designation of units of the National Park, National Wildlife Refuge, National Forest, National Wild and Scenic Rivers,…
Photograph of Morris K. Udall in the White House, standing at a podium on stage giving a speech during the signing of the Alaska Lands Conservation Act, with other elder politicians sharing the stage and smiling.