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Photograph of Stewart L. Udall being passed a pen by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the signing ceremony of the proclamation adding Ellis Island to the Liberty Island National Monument.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall observing President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the bill creating Assateague Island National Seashore Park.

Photograph of a casually-attired Stewart L. Udall and Ladybird Johnson seated in a raft, escorted by a Secret Service agent at Grand Teton National Park.

Scenic photograph of Stewart L. Udall and Ladybird Johnson in casual attire hiking at Big Bend Texas National Park.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall and Ladybird Johnson, standing next to and watching attentively as President Johnson is leafing through the pages of legislation, at a special presentation to Stewart by President Johnson commemorating the signing of…

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a podium and giving a speech at Yale University.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with Ladybird Johnson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, standing before a map of the continental United States, at the signing of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

Photograph of the signing ceremony for the Endangered Species Preservation Act (Stewart L. Udall standing to the right of President Lyndon B. Johnson at the podium).

Photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson seated at a small desk signing the Wilderness Bill and the Land & Water Conservation Fund Bill, with cabinet members standing around him (with Stewart L. Udall on the far left).

Photograph of President John F. Kennedy seated at his desk signing the bill establishing Point Reyes as a national seashore, with his cabinet standing behind him (with Stewart L. Udall immediately behind President Kennedy).

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a microphone and speaking, speech in hand, at the White House Conference on Conservation.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall (center) seated with President John F. Kennedy and poet Carl Sandburg, with Stewart and Robert on adjacent couches with President Kennedy in a cushioned rocking chair between them, while reporters take notes and…

Photograph of President John F. Kennedy presenting a special medal to poet Robert Frost with Stewart L. Udall observing, back row, center, under POTUS seal.

Photograph of the swearing in ceremony of Steward L. Udall as Secretary of the Interior, with Stewart and the rest of the Kennedy administration raising their right hands before a judge as they swear in.

Typewritten statement on his 1960 appointment as Secretary of the Interior by Rep. Stewart L. Udall.

Sticker for the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, CA. Blue background w/white text within a red ring; winking donkey head superimposed on the Capitol which is rendered in white & blue adorned w/small colored U.S. flag

Letter from Senator John F. Kennedy to Stewart L. Udall, thanking him for activities undertaken on his behalf. Typewritten and signed on U.S. Senate letterhead,.

Front page of "Reclamation and the 84th Congress: Summary of Reclamation Legislation, 84th Congress; Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, September 1956."

Front page of "Report of the Activities of the House Committee on Education and Labor, Eighty-Fourth Congress, First and Second Sessions."

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a draped podium against a draped stage backdrop giving a speech during his 1954 congressional campaign.
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