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IMG_5968 9.23.23 Naomi Ortiz book read prentiss_Resized.jpg
A photograph of Naomi Ortiz from the book release for Rituals for the publication, Climate Change: A Crip Struggle For Ecojustice.

IMG_5966 IMG_5951 9.23.23 Naomi Ortiz book prentiss_Resized.jpg
A photograph of Naomi Ortiz from the book release for the publication, Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle For Ecojustice.

A video documenting the artist's quilting and life reflection during the pandemic.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall speaking to Vice President Al Gore, both seated, at the White House during the 4th Annual Earth Day.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with Ladybird Johnson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, standing before a map of the continental United States, at the signing of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall (center) seated with President John F. Kennedy and poet Carl Sandburg, with Stewart and Robert on adjacent couches with President Kennedy in a cushioned rocking chair between them, while reporters take notes and…

Photograph of Morris K. Udall and Reagan administration staff standing behind President Ronald Reagan and clapping as he signs the 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

Photograph of Morris K. Udall in the White House, standing at a podium on stage giving a speech during the signing of the Alaska Lands Conservation Act, with other elder politicians sharing the stage and smiling.

Photograph shows portrait by George Kendall Warren taken in 1876, printed by C.F. Conly, who took over Warren's studio in 1884.

This book was designed, printed and bound by Todd Walker in a signed, numbered edition of 125 on Mohawk superfine.

Christian Von Preysing-Barry discusses his work as a reporter and multimedia journalist for Laredo local news channel KGNS-TV. Von Preysing-Barry discusses the difficulty and danger of reporting in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Laredo. Because of these…

Photograph of the Morris K. Udall Foundation headquarters façade in Tucson, Arizona.

Digital collection site created and managed by Voces Unidas as part of the Reclaiming the Border Narrative project.

The bell of the USS Arizona is displayed prominently on the battleship.

Crew member shows off his locker aboard the USS Arizona battleship. Inside the locker are clothes, as well as personal items, including a photograph of a loved one taped inside the door.

Mess tables on the USS Arizona with crew members lounging.

Working in close collaboration with Virginie Litzler, Paris Perpendicular grew out of a shared interest in extending inherent pictorial narrative beyond their photographic frame or the edges of the pages. The photographs, hand printed, remain…
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