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Letter from Ignacio De la Torre to his sister María De la Torre in which he relates his mood, the daily life at the Sonoran seminar in Magdalena and the defections of some of his peers

Letter from Ignacio De la Torre to his sister María De la Torre where he recounts his studies’ status at the Sonoran seminar in Magdalena and Luis’ doubts regarding his priestly calling

Residents of Árbol Grande, a village near Tampico

Letter written by María De la Torre relating the fate of Alfonso, Carlos and Luis De la Torre to another one of her brothers, probably Francisco, who at the time lived in Granada, Nicaragua

Excerpts from the album about the life and death of Fidel Muro. Includes photos of Fidel Muro, María and Luis de la Torre and the Archbishop of San Luis Potosí, poems by Amado Nervo, a dedication by María de la Torre; a stamp from San Luis…

Ninfa Deandar Martinez, Director General of El Mañana newspaper in Nuevo Laredo, talks about her father, founder over 90 years ago of El Mañana, and about her upbringing and that of her children. Touching on the murder of her editor, Roberto Mora…

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Heriberto Deandar Robinson,editor-in-chief and shareholder of El Mañana, discusses the family legacy that led him to a life in journalism, his experiences living in the border region, and the security measures that all journalist must take in…

Roberto Delgado, president of the Association of Journalists of the City of Juárez (APCJ), talks about his organization, one of the few generating funds from private real estate holdings. He outlines APCJ's mission to defend the rights of…

Letter from the New York Democratic State Committee discussing candidate photos taken with Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Carlyle Hotel on September 20, 1965.

Photograph of the Arizona Congressional Delegation, standing left to right: Rep. John Rhodes, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Gov. Paul Fannin, Rep. Morris K. Udall, Sen. Carl Hayden, and Sec. of Interior Stewart L. Udall.

Photograph of the signing of the Central Arizona Project Bill by President Lyndon B. Johnson (standing around President Johnson, left to right: Sen. Carl Hayden, Rep. John Rhodes, Sec. of Interior Stewart L. Udall, Rep. Sam Steiger, Ladybird Johnson,…

Photograph of Morris K. Udall enthusiastically mingling within and greeting a crowd of elementary school-age Native American youth on the steps the U.S. Capitol.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall, observed by Ladybird Johnson and others, speaking at a podium at the Fort Davis National Historic Site Dedication.

Traducción al español del perfil de Alisha Vásquez, educadora y activista comunitaria que se identifica a sí misma como una mamá crip chicana.

Grabado en inglés y traducido al español. Incluye interpretación de Lengua de Señas Mexicana y…

Profile of Amalia Mondragón, an artist and musician that self-identifies as a Trans-Fronterizx with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Recorded in English. Includes American Sign Language interpretation and open captions.

Profile of Daniel Martínez , an educator and mentor that self-identifies as a Chicano man and blind individual. Recorded in English. Includes American Sign Language interpretation and open captions.

Profile of Alisha Vasquez, an educator and community activist that self-identifies as a crip Chicana mama. Recorded in English. Includes American Sign Language interpretation and open captions.

Perfil de Amalia Mondragón, artista y músico que se identifica como Trans-Fronterizx con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad.

Grabado en inglés y traducido al español. Incluye interpretación de Lengua de Señas Mexicana y…

Perfil de Daniel Martínez, un educador y mentor que se identifica a sí mismo como un hombre chicano y una persona ciega

Grabado en inglés y traducido al español. Incluye interpretación de Lengua de Señas Mexicana y subtítulos abiertos.

Profile of Lawrence Brown III, a musician that self-identifies as a blind Mexican-American and Black American. Recorded in English. Includes American Sign Language interpretation and open captions.
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