A speech written by C. G. Salsbury titled "The Navajo Problem." This speech was presented at the Arizona State Conference on Social Work and mentions Levi Stewart Udall
Clark, managing editor for the Nogales International News, discusses the role of social media in border news reporting. He also gives advice to journalists interested in covering border issues, including that they ought to have the language skills,…
Francisco Cabos Cardona, news director for the Texas Valley for Telemundo, recounts the evolution of drug cartels in the north of Mexico and the tactics used to remain in power, including control of the media. Describing the safety measures that…
A web archive of a Spanish language website for a podcast series that tells stories of hope from the Southern border region. Hosted and produced by Maritza L. Félix, creator of Conecta Arizona.
1944 Graduation program from Cooperstown, North Dakota. Printed program showing high school graduates from the class of 1944, including Mavis Orla Sutter.
Foreign correspondent for the Dallas Morning News, Alfredo Corchado discusses his experiences as a journalist in Mexico. Corchado also talks about the challenges of journalism in Mexico, the problems of censorship and freedom of speech. Corchado…
Full title: Schriftelicke conferentie gehovden in s'Gravenhaghe inden iare 1611 tusschen sommighe kercken-dienaren : aengaende de Godlicke praedestinatie metten aencleven van dien : ter ordonnantie vande Ed. Mag. Heeren Staten van Hollant ende…
From the collection of Veste Coburg (Coburg Fortress, on e of Germany's largest castles). Artist's insignia left edge: winged serpent with elevated wings and dated '1528'; in yellow paint.
Ghost Diary was produced by Maureen Cummins in the winter of 2003, with typographic assistance from Kathy McMillan and metalwork by Gary Dodge. The text of the book is based on a handwritten letter discovered by the artist in the archive of Weir Farm…