Browse Items (122 total)

Dispelling the Myth of Housing Affordability in the Rio Grande Valley by Josue Ramirez.pdf
Article dispelling the myth of affordable housing in the Rio Grande Valley.

Session inspired by the Chihuahuan Desert.

Session inspired by the Chihuahuan Desert.

Session inspired by the Chihuahuan Desert.

Session inspired by the Chihuahuan Desert.

Session inspired by the Chihuahuan Desert.

EL OZ_access_copy.pdf
Manuscript of El Oz novel.

Elon Colonizer of Space.png
Digital illustration for the Sabado Night Live creative action done in collaboration with Another Gulf is Possible, Las Imaginistas and the Democratic Socialist of America RGV Chapter.

Digital collection site created and managed by Espacio Migrante as part of the Reclaiming the Border Narrative project.

Film Still from c diaz's film shorts submission.

Fig_4_Found feather blessing_Naomi Ortiz_Resized.jpg
A photograph of original work on paper by Naomi Ortiz. Paper, pencil, and marker laid on painted concrete, 12 x 16 inches. Image included in the publication, Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice by Naomi Ortiz.

IMG_Harmony Hazard 1 [Desert Nights, Rising Stars Conference Reading]_Resized.jpg
A photograph of Naomi Ortiz at the Desert Nights, Rising Stars Conference Workshop reading.

DaraPreciado_BAC Fellowship 2021_Artwork(1).jpg
Artwork made out of found paper, fabric, collage, and oil on canvas by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

DaraPreciado_BAC Fellowship 2021_Artwork.jpg
An installation photograph of artwork created by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

DaraPreciado_BAC Fellowship 2021_Artwork(5).jpg
A photograph of artwork made out of found paper, fabric, collage, and oil on canvas by BAC Fellow, Dara Preciado.

GeovannyMaybe_BAC Fellowship 2021_Artwork(3).jpg
A photograph of fashion designs by BAC Fellow, Geovanny Maybe.

A video of fashion designs by BAC Fellow, Geovanny Maybe.

First black and white illustrated draft storyboard.

Color illustrated draft storyboard.

Color illustrated draft storyboard revision.
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