Browse Items (132 total)

View of the point-of-entry of New River at Calexico/Mexicali. The New River is so severely polluted that it is a major health hazard. A fence and bridge cross over the river, and to the left, several buildings stand behind another fence. Vegetation…

The headwaters of the Rio Grande are above Albuquerque, New Mexico. Beginning at El Paso the Rio Grande (also called the Rio Bravo del Norte) engages the emotions and drama of a natural boundary between two countries. West of El Paso and Ciudad…

A view of Monument 11, facing east. A wire fence runs next to the monument while shrubs fill the landscape.

View of Monument 12, facing east. A small roads marks the border where Chihuahua is on the right and New Mexico on the left.

View from the Mexican side of the line at Monument No. 14, looking northwest.

View from Monument 165 looking southeast towards Organ Pipe National Monument. Two dirt roads run on each side of a fence, while a telephone pole is visible overhead.

Monument No. 172 and sentry cacti near Aguajita Spring west of Lukeville, Arizona, and Sonoita, Sonora.

View of Monument 180 at Pinacate Lava Flow and Las Playas in Yuma County, AZ. A wire fence stands to the side of the monument.

View from Monument 198 looking south east. A dirt path goes around and in between small peaks.

Monument No. 207, looking east-northeast 1/4 mile west of the port-of-entry at Andrade, California. Mexico is on the right.

Monument No. 210, looking southwest, near the Gray's Well area west of Yuma, Arizona. Although early monuments were equipped with flagpoles, this pole is used to mark the boundary under shifting sands. Even with the extension, the monument is often…

A dirt road with tire tracks. On the left, Monument 212 is visible in the distance. On the right, power lines run alongside the road.

View of Monument 238, which stands between several shrubs. To the left, a small path is visible.

View of Monument No. 3, overlooking Mesilla Valley and the Southern Pacific Railroad.

View of Monument 34, looking south. A wire fence and wooden posts run perpendicular to the monument.

View of Monument 40, in corner of New Mexico border running east to west and north to south. A fence runs behind the monument while vegetation populates the space behind it.

View of Monument 41, looking south. On the left, a fence extends into the distance over a ridge. Vegetation also covers the landscape.

View of Monument 60 and a fence with wooden posts. In the background, a storm and lightning are visible.

A far away view of Monument 63 facing west to southwest. A fence cuts through the landscape, and in the background, mountains are visible.

View of Monument 8 facing south, looking into Chihuahua from New Mexico.
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