Civil War regiment reunion that takes places on a yearly basis. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Blankenbanker, Bernice Blankenbaker, and Dolly and Dale Rigg in about 1899.
Letter from the New York Democratic State Committee discussing candidate photos taken with Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Carlyle Hotel on September 20, 1965.
Karolek Pattison and his sister Halka Pattison in the sand dunes on the way to the California for the summer. Photo taken by their mother, Marylka Modjeska Pattison. The family usually spent summers in California.
Karolek (Karl) M. Pattison (born 1921) and his sister, Halka Pattison (born 1923). Photo taken by their mother, Marylka Modjeska Pattison, likely in the California mountians, though the family did travel to the Polish mountains a few times.