This was taken in Agua Prieta, at a place called Del Fran. The couple on the right are newlyweds. They married in Douglas, AZ. Left to right are Hilda Maya, Flora Irma Flores, Lucy Parra, and Francisco G. Flores.
Francisco G. Flores holding his first-born daughter, Veronica Flores, at home in Douglas, Arizona. Veronica is under one-year-old at the time of the photograph.
Flora Irma Flores with her first-born daughter, Veronica Flores, at home in Douglas, Arizona. Veronica is under one-year-old at the time of the photograph.
Francisco G. Flores, father of Sonia Carolina Pivaral. Flores married and migrated north from Mexico to Douglas and eventually Tucson, Arizona. Multiple photographs taken from a family scrapbook.
Photograph of Rita Moreno, Panchita del Cid, and Flora Irma Tequida de Flores taken at a family event. The persons in the photo have lived most of their lives in Tucson and Douglas, AZ.
This wedding pictuer was taken in Douglas, AZ. The bride and groom, Sofia Durgin de Tequida and Juan Manuel Tequida (center), are originally from Santo Tomas, Sahuaripa, Mexico.
Mother Sofia Garcia de Durgin, left, and daughter Sofia Durgin de Tequida, right. This photograph was taken in Agua Prieta but both women lived in Douglas, Arizona. Sofia Durgin de Tequida is the grandmother of Sonia C. Pivaral.