Browse Items (154 total)

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall speaking to Vice President Al Gore, both seated, at the White House during the 4th Annual Earth Day.

Photograph portrait of Stewart L. Udall from waist-up, arms crossed, posing on the banks of the Colorado River.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall, observed by Ladybird Johnson and others, speaking at a podium at the Fort Davis National Historic Site Dedication.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing and speaking outdoors at the Heard Museum National Advisory Board Meeting in Northern Arizona.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall (center-left, directly behind a shrub) standing whilst smoking a pipe in the company of others in a scenic, mountainous outdoor setting during a meeting of the Institute for Resource Management.


Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a draped podium against a draped stage backdrop giving a speech during his 1954 congressional campaign.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a podium and giving a speech at Yale University.

Photograph of President John F. Kennedy presenting a special medal to poet Robert Frost with Stewart L. Udall observing, back row, center, under POTUS seal.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall reading in repose on the banks of the Colorado River.

Photograph of college-age Stewart L. Udall playing basketball, crouching in mid-dribble.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall on stage speaking at the Ford's Theatre re-opening event.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall standing at a microphone and speaking, speech in hand, at the White House Conference on Conservation.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with six of his fellow Air Force companions in uniform. Stewart is seated in foreground, far right.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall (seated) with Louise Udall (standing) at a bookstore during a book signing for Stewart's environmental publication "The Quiet Crisis."

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall observing President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the bill creating Assateague Island National Seashore Park.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall being passed a pen by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the signing ceremony of the proclamation adding Ellis Island to the Liberty Island National Monument.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with the lawyers and Diné (Navajo) witnesses posing outdoors in a shaded area during the end of the Begay Trial in Phoenix, Arizona.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with pen and paper, seated between two other members of the Amphitheater School District Board of Trustees.

Photograph of Stewart L. Udall with Ladybird Johnson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, standing before a map of the continental United States, at the signing of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.
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