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Collection: Morris K. Udall
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"Taxes and Spending III: Just who are the Big Spenders?" 1963
"Taxes and Spending III: Just who are the Big Spenders?"
March 15, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending IV: Some Specific Proposals for Budget Reductions," 1963
"Taxes and Spending IV: Some Specific Proposals for Budget Reductions."
April 12, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Taxes and Spending V: The President and Henry Ford -- An Old Idea Revived," 1963
"Taxes and Spending V: The President and Henry Ford -- An Old Idea Revived."
May 3, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Central Arizona Project: Tapping Arizona's Last Water Hole," 1963
"Central Arizona Project: Tapping Arizona's Last Water Hole."
May 21, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Fright for Sale," 1963
"Fright for Sale."
June 7, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Arizona's Water Fight Shifts to Congress," 1963
"Arizona's Water Fight Shifts to Congress."
June 21, 1963. 88th Congress.
"Arizona's Water Fight: Which Path Leads to Victory," 1963
"Arizona's Water Fight: Which Path Leads to Victory."
July 21, 1963. 88th Congress.
"The Big Challenge: Civil Rights and the 88th Congress," 1963
"The Big Challenge: Civil Rights and the 88th Congress."
July 29, 1963. 88th Congress.
"A Tale of Two Taxpayers: Part I -- The Taxes they Pay," 1963
"A Tale of Two Taxpayers: Part I -- The Taxes they Pay."
September 12, 1963. 88th Congress.
"A Tale of Two Taxpayers: Part II -- What do their Taxes Buy?" 1963
"A Tale of Two Taxpayers: Part II -- What do their Taxes Buy?"
September 25, 1963. 88th Congress.
"The Great Numbers Game, or the Case of the Missing Factor: People," 1963
"The Great Numbers Game, or the Case of the Missing Factor: People,."
October 14, 1963. 88th Congress.
"If this is Peace, What would War be Like?" 1963
"If this is Peace, What would War be Like?"
November 15, 1963. 88th Congress.
"'Come, Let Us Reason Together,'" 1963
"'Come, Let Us Reason Together.'"
December 1963. 88th Congress.
"Is Congress Sick? -- I: Creeping Paralysis on Capitol Hill," 1964
"Is Congress Sick? -- I: Creeping Paralysis on Capitol Hill."
February 7, 1964. 88th Congress.
"Is Congress Sick? -- II: Needed: A Transfusion of Democracy," 1964
"Is Congress Sick? -- II: Needed: A Transfusion of Democracy."
February 21, 1964. 88th Congress.
"Foreign Policy for the Decade Ahead: I -- The Mirage of Final Solutions," 1964
"Foreign Policy for the Decade Ahead: I -- The Mirage of Final Solutions."
March 6, 1964. 88th Congress.
"Foreign Policy for the Decade Ahead: II -- New Phase for an Old War," 1964
"Foreign Policy for the Decade Ahead: II -- New Phase for an Old War."
April 15, 1964. 88th Congress.
"Reapportionment -- I: 'One Man, One Vote' ... That's all she Wrote!" 1964
"Reapportionment -- I: 'One Man, One Vote' ... That's all she Wrote!"
October 14, 1964. 88th Congress.
"Do We Want Another Bible War?" 1964
"Do We Want Another Bible War?"
May 22, 1964
"Reapportionment -- II: Where Do We Go from Here?" 1964
"Reapportionment -- II: Where Do We Go from Here?"
December 11, 1964. 88th Congress.
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