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Collection: Morris K. Udall
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"Protectionism vs. Free Trade: The Great Tomato Rhubarb and Other War Stories," 1969
"Protectionism vs. Free Trade: The Great Tomato Rhubarb and Other War Stories."
February 12, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace: The Lessons of the Sixties," 1969
"Preparing for Peace: The Lessons of the Sixties."
March 14, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace--II: Are We Headed for a New Arms Race?" 1969
"Preparing for Peace--II: Are We Headed for a New Arms Race?"
April 15, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace--III: The Tough Problem of Priorities," 1969
"Preparing for Peace--III: The Tough Problem of Priorities."
May 15, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace--IV: The Case of the Vanishing Dollar," 1969
"Preparing for Peace--IV: The Case of the Vanishing Dollar."
June 13, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace--V: Tax Reform and the Double Standard," 1969
"Preparing for Peace--V: Tax Reform and the Double Standard."
July 11, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Preparing for Peace--VI: Our Spaceship Earth--Standing Room Only," 1969
"Preparing for Peace--VI: Our Spaceship Earth--Standing Room Only."
July 30, 1969. 91st Congress.
"Man: Endangered Species: The Day the Santa Ritas Disappeared," 1969
"Man: Endangered Species: The Day the Santa Ritas Disappeared."
November 19, 1969. 91st Congress.
"The Environment--What YOU Can Do," 1970
"The Environment--What YOU Can Do," 1970
"47 Million Americans are Missing: Our Really Silent Majority," 1970
"47 Million Americans are Missing: Our Really Silent Majority."
July 23, 1970. 91st Congress.
"What's Happening with Our Youth?: A Dialogue with Three Interns," 1970
"What's Happening with Our Youth?: A Dialogue with Three Interns."
November 10, 1970. 91st Congress.
"A Scandal Called Welfare," 1971
"A Scandal Called Welfare."
March 12, 1971. 92nd Congress.
"Revenue Sharing: Trick or Treat for Taxpayers," 1971
"Revenue Sharing: Trick or Treat for Taxpayers."
April 2, 1971. 92nd Congress.
"Politics and Morality: Where Leaders Fail," 1971
"Politics and Morality: Where Leaders Fail."
June 8, 1971. 92nd Congress.
"The Right to Write: Some Suggest on Writing Your Congressman," 1971
"The Right to Write: Some Suggest on Writing Your Congressman."
September 15, 1971. 92nd Congress.
"Carl Hayden: Quiet Mystery Maker," 1972
"Carl Hayden: Quiet Mystery Maker."
March 13, 1972. 92nd Congress.
"Is the System Working? Six Thousand Arizonans Sound Off," 1972
"Is the System Working? Six Thousand Arizonans Sound Off."
April 17, 1972. 92nd Congress.
"Land Speculation: Investment in the future...or down payment on dust?" 1972
"Land Speculation: Investment in the future...or down payment on dust?"
December 8, 1972. 92nd Congress.
"Hold Up at the White House, Showdown with Congress," 1973
"Hold Up at the White House, Showdown with Congress."
March 9, 1973. 93rd Congress.
"Congressional Comeback: A Slumbering Giant Awakens," 1973
"Congressional Comeback: A Slumbering Giant Awakens."
April 9, 1973. 93rd Congress.
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