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Portrait of Martin Luther with city view in background.

Original title: Antwort de[m] Murnar vff seine frag / Ob der künig vo[n] Engellant ein lügner sey, oder der götlich doctor Martinus Luter. For an in depth discussion of this work please listen to a recorded lecture by Ute Lotz-Heumann titled…

Luther Rose or Luther Seal
Seal received from Frederick the Wise and used by Martin Luther in his publications. The graphic is used today by the Lutheran faith.

Detail of Elegantiae linguae latinae
Full title: Hoc in volumine hec cõtinentur : Laurentii Vallensis Elegantiæ de lingua latina : Laurentii Vallensis de pronomine sui ad Ioannem Tortelium : Laurentii Vallensis lima qu︠ae︡dam per Antonium Mancinellum.
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