Photograph of shipmates of the USS Arizona taken in Bremerton, Washington, 1937. Crew members identified are: A.W. "Slip" Kammerer C.M.M. ( June 30, 1917); F.B. "Rid" Kannair C.M.M. (Sept. 30, 1921) ; C.E. "Snuff" Pinnell C.O.X. ( Mar. 31, 1923);…
From the Public Information Office, Fourteenth Naval District: Memorial services and plaque honor dead aboard USS Arizona. The sunken hulk of the battleship USS Arizona was the site for memorial services and the unveiling of a plaque in honor of the…
This photograph was taken by a Japanese naval aviator in the first moments of the Pearl Harbor attack. A very high plume of water is visible between USS Oklahoma and USS West Virginia on the far side of Ford Island. Also visible is a Japanese Val…
Fires burn on three battleships in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack as fire crews attempt to save the ships in the lower right. The ships are, from right to left- USS Arizona, USS Tennessee and USS West Virginia.
The Arizona Launched at the New York Navy Yard
This great battleship, sister ship of the Pennsylvania, was constructed and launched at the New York Navy Yard. Each of these great ships has a displacement of 31,400 tons and a speed of 21 knots. The…
A group of gentlemen identified only as "the Hawaiian team" hangs a wreath on the ship's bell of the USS Arizona in the presence of UA President Alfred Atkinson in the bell tower at the UA Student Union.
Construction workers carefully place the ship's bell of the USS Arizona as a crane lowers it into its new home, the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center