Broadsheet with an appeal to Catholic parishioners by Bishop of Aguascalientes Ignacio Valdespino’s calling for their signatures to support the Mexican Episcopate’s popular initiative to amend articles 3 (education), 5 (freedom of work), 27…
Photograph of Father Juan Navarrete, recently consecrated Bishop of Sonora, on the occasion of celebrating Felipe Torres, Carlos De la Torre and Carlos Lomelí's First Communion (from left to right).
Photograph of Father Francisco De la Torre in Montezuma, New Mexico wearing skates on a natural ice rink near the seminary. In the photo, he appears with glasses between three unidentified young males
Account of an American hunting group’s unexpected events in Sonora due to a misunderstanding with Gen. Luis Ibarra’s forces published in Outdoor Life magazine
Catholic Action and Study Circle Monthly Newsletter special double number’s cover paying homage to bishop of Sonora Juan Navarrete on occasion of his episcopal silver anniversary (1919-1944)
The Nogales’ chapter of the Mexican Youth Catholic Organization’s (ACJM) Manifesto against the suspension of local Catholic ministry and calling for the collaboration between civil society and the church